Sunday, March 3, 2013

Rest Day - March 3, 2013 - Sunday

Rest Day

So today is a day off, enjoy it. I wanted to take a quick moment to explain the future of this programming leading up through the Games season and a few reasons why I will do things the way I do. For starters, CrossFit is a sport and must now be treated as such. My goal for THIS year is to have the programming peak at Regionals. Why would I do this, you ask? Because I know my average follower, and I know that I am not currently coaching competitors who can easily make it to the Games. Therefore, to give you all the best opportunity possible to qualify, your major peak will occur for THIS year at Regionals. As the nature of my athletes changes, I will change the program to reflect this, but my goal is to make sure each of you can qualify for Regionals and perform well there if you have the ability to do so. A few quick points:

* As mentioned, you will peak at Regionals and for those who may qualify for the Games, I will have you recover enough to perform well should you make it
* The volume will be controlled each week so that you will be pushed just enough to recover from that week's training
* Each macrocycle will feature a 6-week preparation mesocycle, followed by a pre-competition cycle and a full recovery week
* Volume will decrease over the course of the week while relative intensity will increase
* You will be performing the Open workouts as part of the regular program, so try not to re-do them if it isn't completely necessary as this will add unneeded stress and volume
* The goal is to have all of you PR and have the period of highest intensity be the week before the North East regional (first Regional event)
NOTE: If you qualify and will be competing at a different Regional event, please email me

Hopefully this gives you a better idea of my reasoning for the remainder of our program leading through the Games in July. Best of luck to all competitors!

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