Thursday, August 2, 2012

Competition: August 4th WOD #1

RCFBB Internal Throwdown WOD 1

So, as promised I decided to leak the first WOD of Saturday's competition tonight. If you were at the competition class tonight, you got a quick rundown of the workout as well as the movement standards and how it will flow. Aside from all of your groans and complaints, I'd say it went pretty well. For the rest of you, the first workout will go down as follows:

AMRAP 5:30 of:
* 1,000m row
* Max reps of Thrusters in remaining time
The weights will be 115/75 for RX and 85/65 for SCALED

The movement standards on this one are pretty straightforward. The thruster must achieve full depth on the front squat portion with hip crease below knee and you must achieve full lockout at the top of each rep with knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows extended. The side profile of your face must be clearly visible in between your arms at the top of each rep. As someone asked tonight, squat cleaning the first rep of a set is acceptable. Your rower will be set to a damper of 5 and can be adjusted to your liking only AFTER the clock has started. On the other hand, your foot pedals and straps can be adjusted however you would like before the WOD starts. Athletes will start standing behind their rowers and, after the clock has started, they can strap in and begin pulling. Judges will make sure your monitors are on so don't worry about that. You must maintain your grip on the handle until the rower clearly shows 1,000m completed or you will be required to re-row the distance you missed.

The clock will be set to count down from 5 minutes 30 seconds. After completing the 1,000m row, athletes will have the remainder of the time on the clock to complete as many thrusters as possible. The score for this WOD is completed thrusters ONLY, so if you don't get any thrusters unfortunately that will be tough luck. In the event that multiple athletes do not complete the 1,000m row in the 5:30 time period, they will be ranked according to total meters rowed.

All other WODs will be posted on Friday night to ensure none of you get adequate sleep while you worry about the next day's events. Good luck to all competitors and we will see you on Saturday!

Coach Justin

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