Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WOD - May 8, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 3x Burgener warm-up (snatch) @ 95#/65#

Strength: 5x1 Snatch (full squat) @ 95%

Work Capacity 1: 5 Rounds of:
* 12x Back Squats (bodyweight)
* 9x Front Squats (bodyweight)
* 6x OH Squats (bodyweight)
* Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Work Capacity 2: "Jackie" for time:
* 1000m row
* 50x Thrusters (45#)
* 30x Pull-ups

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10 minutes:
* 8x Pistols (alternating legs -- 4 each)
* 8x T2B

Post results to comments.


  1. Did WC#1 and #2 Yesterday:

    Wc#1: Did 3 Rounds @ 165#, 2:25, 2:12, 2:17. First round went right from back squats to front squats, next two rounds dropped between each set. Be impressed if anyone can do an unbroken round at bodyweight on this.

    Wc#2: 6:45, wasn't really a good effort.

  2. Strength: did all five at 165

    WC1: Finished in 18:45 as rx'd (165#). Taking out the 8 minutes of rest, that's an average of 2:09/round. I used the rack to transition the lifts.
