Monday, May 14, 2012

WOD - May 14, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 5 cycles with empty barbell of:
* 5x push jerk
* 5x snatch balance
* 10x OH squat
* 10x back squat

Strength: 5x5 hang cleans AHAP (focus on maintaining constant hook grip through all reps)

Work Capacity: 3 Rounds for time of:
* 15x kipping HSPU
* 10x DB snatches (100#/70# -- alternating arms)
* 5x muscle-ups

Extra Credit: For time:
* 30x Turkish get-ups (100#/70# DB -- alternating arms)

Post results to comments.


  1. Strength: 205, 215, 225 (4), 225, 245 (2)

  2. warm up: done (took a bit)

    strength: 145-155-155-155-155#

    work capcity: finished but did not time (gym in chicago was quite inconvenient since it really had no space)

    inconsistency is killing me! but trying my best to fit in the wod as much as possible.
