Monday, May 7, 2012

WOD - May 7, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: Run 800m (sprint first 100m, jog second 100m, etc)

Strength: Max reps unbroken Hang Power Cleans (225#/135#), Rest 1 minute, Max reps UB HPC (205#/125#), Rest 1 minute, Max reps UB HPC (185#/115#), Rest 1 minute, Max reps UB HPC (165#/105#)

Work Capacity 1: For time:
* 10x Muscle-ups
* 40x Wall balls (20#/14#)
* 30x Box jumps (24"/20")
* 10x Muscle-ups

Work Capacity 2: 5 rounds of:
* Accumulate 1 minute Deadlift hold (225#/135#)
* Accumulate 1 minute Chin-over-bar hold
* 100m farmers' carry (2x 100#/70# DB's)

Extra Credit: 10 Rounds on each arm:
* 1x Turkish get-up to standing (100#/70#)
* 1x DB Snatch (100#/70#)
Alternate arms each rep, one complete round is one sequence on right arm and one sequence on left arm.

Post results to comments.


  1. Strength: 165#:3 155#:4 145#:7 135#9
    WC1: 7:32

  2. Strength: 155#:3 reps 145#:5 reps 135#:7 reps 125#:8 reps
    WC: 7:27. muscle ups scaled. 10 pull ups then 10 dips.

  3. Liked the warmup, altho I decided to do the jog first and the sprint for the 2nd 100m.

    Strength: 195x3, 175x7, 155x7, 135x6. tested my grip pretty well with this.

    WC1: 5:51

  4. finally got back to the gym today. exam week's been a killer but tomorrow's my last so should start being consistent with the schedule again!

    warm up: done

    strength: 145x4, 135x5, 115x7, 115x7

    work capacity: 10:38

    disappointing results but better than waiting another day of getting back!
