Workout of the Day
Warm-up: With empty barbell, perform multiple power snatches, squat snatches, power cleans, squat cleans, and push jerks or split jerks. Warm up the movements and make sure you are stable/comfortable in each positionStrength 1: Work up to 1RM Snatch
Strength 2: Work up to 1RM Clean and Jerk
Take plenty of time to re-test each of these 1RM lifts. We will be beginning an Olympic lifting cycle on Monday and it is important that you know the values of these two lifts. At the end of this past cycle we re-tested 1RM Front Squats and Back Squats, so make sure you have these numbers handy as well. If you do not know any of these lifts, or you do not know your 1RM Clean or Jerk by themselves, you have from now until Monday to get these numbers down.
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