Workout of the Day
Warm-up: With empty barbell, 5 rounds of the complex:* 6x Romanian deadlifts
* 6x Muscle cleans (from hang)
* 6x Hang Squat clean
* 6x Push press
* 6x Good mornings
Strength: Snatch pulls to hip 5x5 AHAP (i.e. first pull of the snatch just prior to extension) followed by 5x1 Snatch balance/1 OH squat (perform a snatch balance, stand, and immediately perform an overhead squat -- heaviest load possible to achieve this sequence should be used)
Work Capacity: "Kelly" 5 Rounds for time of:
* 400m run
* 30x Box jumps (24"/20")
* 30x Wall balls (20#/14#)
Extra Credit: For time
* 40x UNBROKEN KB swings (35#/20#)
* 30x UNBROKEN KB swings (53#/35#)
* 20x UNBROKEN KB swings (70#/53#)
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