Saturday, June 30, 2012

WOD - June 30, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: Run 400m; calf and ankle mobility + spiderman/world's greatest stretch each side

Work Capacity: For time:
* Run 1 mile
* Row 2,000m

Extra Credit: 100 hollow rocks

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

WOD - June 29, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: With empty barbell, perform multiple power snatches, squat snatches, power cleans, squat cleans, and push jerks or split jerks. Warm up the movements and make sure you are stable/comfortable in each position

Strength 1: Work up to 1RM Snatch

Strength 2: Work up to 1RM Clean and Jerk

Take plenty of time to re-test each of these 1RM lifts. We will be beginning an Olympic lifting cycle on Monday and it is important that you know the values of these two lifts. At the end of this past cycle we re-tested 1RM Front Squats and Back Squats, so make sure you have these numbers handy as well. If you do not know any of these lifts, or you do not know your 1RM Clean or Jerk by themselves, you have from now until Monday to get these numbers down.

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WOD - June 28, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: Lacrosse ball/foam roll upper back, lats, and shoulders. Then do 30 arm circles forward, 10 air squats, 30 arm circles back, 10 air squats, 30 hugs, 10 air squats.

Work Capacity: EMOTM 10:
* 3x Muscle-ups
Rest 5 minutes
Then "Half Cindy" AMRAP 10 of:
* 5x Pull-ups
* 10x Push-ups
* 15x Air squats

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

WOD - June 27, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: Extended mobility/band stretching

Work Capacity: AMRAP 12 of:
* 5x C2B pull-ups
* 10 Cal row
* 15x Wall balls (20#/14#)

Short one today, more active recovery than anything. Do not underestimate this work capacity, however. Try to continuously move through the work, extended breaks will cause this WOD to catch up with you and smack you in the face.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

WOD - June 26, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 3 rounds of max unbroken double-unders, rest 2 minutes between rounds

Work Capacity 1: For time:
* 30x Wall balls (20#/14#)
* 100m row
* 25x Wall balls
* 200m row
* 20x Wall balls
* 300m row
* 15x Wall balls
* 400m row
* 10x Wall balls
* 500m row

Work Capacity 2: For time:
* 100x Burpees

Extra Credit: For time:
* 100x Hollow rocks

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

WOD - June 25, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: Mobility work focusing on shoulders, hips, and ankles

Work Capacity 1: "Angie" For time:
* 100x Pull-ups
* 100x Push-ups
* 100x Sit-ups
* 100x Air squats

Work Capacity 2: Row 2,000m with the first 1,000m at 2:00 or less pace and the second 1,000m at 1:50 or less pace

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Rest Day - June 24, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off and read up on some mobility work, especially if you're feeling tight. This upcoming week we will be taking a complete break from weightlifting to restore our bodies and prep for a month long Olympic weightlifting cycle.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

WOD - June 23, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 15-12-9 reps of:
* Cal row
* Box jumps (24"/20")
* KB Swings (53#/35#)

Strength: EMOTM 10 minutes:
* 1 Snatch @ 85-90% 1RM

Work Capacity: "Fight Gone Bad" 3 Rounds of:
* 1 minute max reps of wall balls (20#/14#)
* 1 minute max reps of SDHP (75#/55#)
* 1 minute max reps of box jumps (20")
* 1 minute max reps of push press (75#/55#)
* 1 minute max calorie row
* Rest 1 minute
Score is total repetitions across all 3 rounds; immediately move from one station to the next until the 1 minute rest period.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

WOD - June 22, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: With empty bar:
* 10x Bear complex
* 4x Push-ups in between complexes

Strength: 1-1-1-1-1 Back squat, working up to 1RM

Work Capacity: 5 rounds of:
* 1 minute max reps of back squat (bodyweight on bar)
Rest 1 minute between each interval; after the fifth and final interval of BW back squats, you must complete a number of burpees equal to 100 minus the total repetitions of BW back squats completed. Clock stops after completing 100 total reps. For example, if across five intervals you completed 86 squats, you would need to complete 14 burpees before you are finished. If you completed 100 or more BW back squats across the five intervals, your time for the workout is 9 minutes minus one second for every repetition greater than 100 completed.

Extra Credit: 5 rounds of:
* 200m run
* Rest 30s between efforts

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coaching Tips: Rowing

Rowing Efficiently in your CrossFit Workouts

Hey all, hope your training has been going well thus far. I wanted to start writing a series of posts on this blog to address some technical errors I notice while coaching classes at Reebok CrossFit Back Bay. On the whole, you guys have all progressed incredibly well as athletes and I must say that I am quite proud of all of your accomplishments. However, in the endless pursuit of elite fitness (other than the summertime abs that's why we are all here, right?) there are certain things we should all be paying attention to in order to get better. I figured I would open this series of "Coaching Tips" blog posts by discussing some faults I see almost every day in our rowing techniques.

I would like to present a quick checklist for many of you to consider while rowing, whether we have forced you to do so in a workout or whether you get your weekend kicks with your rower in a dark room wearing shorts of a questionable length (unless you happen to be Coach Gino):
  • Each stroke begins with the handle as close to the fan as possible, chest upright but posture also leaning slightly forward, and legs bent aggressively in between the arms (many of you taller athletes tend to force the legs outside the arms)
  • The stroke begins with the knees, much like in our Olympic lifting, with an aggressive drive through the heels which pushes the knees down as we send our torso backwards
  • Once the knees have been fully extended, the momentum of the stroke continues into our hips as we open the hips with speed, causing our shoulders to come behind the hips while still maintaining straight arms
  • ONLY once the hips are open do we finish the pull by driving the handle to our chest, using our upper back and the ever-familiar "pinching" of our shoulder blades
  • Once the handle has been fully extended to the chest we IMMEDIATELY extend our arms again while the hips and knees remain silent
  • After the arms are extended we close our hips again, sending the shoulders in front of the hips and the handle over the knees -- the knees REMAIN EXTENDED here (all too often I see people returning with the knees first instead of the arms)
  • Finally we re-bend the knees, leaning forward and returning the handle as close to the fan as possible, thus returning us to our starting position (aka the "catch")
All too often these steps get jumbled, particularly on the return. Most of you have become very proficient with your strokes, it is just the return that has become messy. Make sure that arms come BEFORE knees on the way back. The return is simply the same as the pull in reverse order, so train your brain to complete these steps correctly.

Most importantly, the number one thing many of you need to do on your rows is relax. Start paying attention to your "strokes per minute" or s/m reading on your monitors. Coach Gino cruelly programmed a 500m row sprint at 35 s/m or higher earlier this week, and for those of you who didn't black out or immediately attempt to forget this nightmarish endeavor, you remember how incredibly awful it was. Aim to keep strokes per minute low, particularly once the distance of your rows begins to increase. Distance and s/m should be inversely proportional, meaning the longer the distance, the less strokes you should be taking to get there. Focus on getting a strong pull while taking the time to breath and relax on the return. Establishing this type of cadence on your rows will allow you to stay fresher for longer in WODs which happen to involve rowing.

Start paying attention to efficiency when we row during warm-ups and workouts alike. The extra thought you put in now will make you a better athlete and will drastically reduce your times in rowing WODs. Lastly, not following these tips will make you look like THIS GUY and no one wants to look like that. Thanks for reading and as always, if you have any questions please approach me in class or shoot me an email.

Happy rowing,
Coach Justin

WOD - June 21, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 400m run, then with a light kettlebell perform the following:
* 20x Clean and press (alternating arms)
* 20x Snatch (alternating arms)
* 40x One-arm swings (20 ea arm)

Strength: 5x5 Push press AHAP alternating with 5x5 Hang power cleans at same weight

Work Capacity: AMRAP 6 minutes of:
* 1,000m row
* Max reps power cleans (135#/95#) in remaining time
Rest EXACTLY 5 minutes then
AMRAP 6 minutes of:
* 1,000m row
* Max reps shoulder-to-overhead (135#/95#) in remaining time
Score is total repetitions of power cleans completed added to total repetitions of shoulder-to-overhead completed

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10 minutes:
* 4x T2B
* 8x Hand-release push-ups

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WOD - June 20, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: EMOTM 10:
* 3x Muscle-ups (depending on muscle-up strength, scale down reps if necessary)

Strength: 5-3-2-1-1 Deadlift, working to 1RM

Work Capacity: For time:
* Run 1 mile
* Row 2,000m
Perform this workout at ~80-85% intensity

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WOD - June 19, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 3 Rounds of:
* 10x Towel pull-ups
* 10x Ring dips
* 15x Air squats

Strength: Bench press 5x5 AHAP, alternating with 5x5 15 push-ups w/ 20# vest

Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for total time of:
* 200m sprint
* 20x KB Swings (53#/35#)
* 10x Burpees
* Rest 2 minutes btwn rounds

Extra Credit: AMRAP 3 minutes of:
* Double-unders

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

WOD - June 18, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: Row 500m, 40 air squats, 20 pull-ups

Strength: 5-3-2-1-1 Front squat, working to 1RM

Work Capacity: AMRAP 12 of:
* 10x Box jumps (24"/20")
* 5x C2B pull-ups

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10:
* Row 200m

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rest Day - June 17, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off. Maintain your body in some way if possible: take a yoga class, do some mobility, ice bath if available. Get ready for another good week coming up.

WOD - June 16, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: With empty barbell, 5 rounds of the complex:
* 6x Romanian deadlifts
* 6x Muscle cleans (from hang)
* 6x Hang Squat clean
* 6x Push press
* 6x Good mornings

Strength: Snatch pulls to hip 5x5 AHAP (i.e. first pull of the snatch just prior to extension) followed by 5x1 Snatch balance/1 OH squat (perform a snatch balance, stand, and immediately perform an overhead squat -- heaviest load possible to achieve this sequence should be used)

Work Capacity: "Kelly" 5 Rounds for time of:
* 400m run
* 30x Box jumps (24"/20")
* 30x Wall balls (20#/14#)

Extra Credit: For time
* 40x UNBROKEN KB swings (35#/20#)
* 30x UNBROKEN KB swings (53#/35#)
* 20x UNBROKEN KB swings (70#/53#)

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Friday, June 15, 2012

WOD - June 15, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 15-12-9 reps of:
* KB Swing (35#/20#)
* KB Clean and jerk (35#/20# -- alternating arms)
* KB Goblet squat (35#/20#)

Strength: 5x4 Back squat @ 90% 1RM

Work Capacity: 10 rounds for time of:
* 1x Bear complex @ 205#/145# (1x Power clean, 1x Front squat, 1x Push press/jerk, 1x Back squat, 1x Behind-the-neck push press/jerk)
* 30x Double-unders
Either a push press or jerk is acceptable in the bear complex; the first rep may be performed as a squat clean instead of a power clean followed by a front squat
Scale this workout appropriately -- 205/145 is very heavy if you are uncomfortable with barbell complexes or with the movements involved

Extra Credit: With 20# vest:
* 10x 100m sprints w/ 20s rest between efforts

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

WOD - June 14, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: With empty barbell, 5 rounds of the complex:
* 5x Back squat
* 5x Snatch grip press (behind the neck)
* 5x Snatch balance
* 5x OH Squat

Strength: 5x3 OH Squats AHAP

Work Capacity: 5 rounds for total time of:
* 500m row
* 20x Burpees
* Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10 minutes:
* 3x Ring dips
* 6-9x Hand-release push-ups

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WOD - June 13, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 400m run, 10x inch-worm crawls, 25x pistols (alternating legs)

Strength: 3 Rounds of:
* 5x Deadlifts AHAP
* 50x Hollow rocks

Work Capacity: For time (perform at 80-85% effort):
* Row 2,000m
* 50x GHD sit-ups
* 50x GHD hip extensions
Try and keep the row under 20 strokes/minute -- treat this as active recovery

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WOD - June 12, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up:With empty barbell, 5 rounds of the barbell complex:
* 5x press
* 5x push press
* 5x push jerk
* 5x split jerk

Strength: 5x10 alternating DB press AHAP, 5x10 KB clean and jerk (70#/53# -- alternating arms)

Work Capacity: AMRAP 12 of:
* 5x Box jumps (40"/30")
* 3x Squat cleans (205#/145#)

Extra Credit: 5 rounds of:
* 200m row
* 10x GHD sit-ups
* 10x GHD hip extensions

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

WOD - June 11, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 15-12-9 reps of:
* Thrusters (45#)
* Hang power cleans (45#)
* Push-ups

Strength: 5x3 Thruster AHAP alternating with 5x10 pistols (20# vest, alternating legs each rep)

Work Capacity: "Fat Elizabeth" 21-15-9 reps for time (w/ 20# vest) of:
* Power cleans (185#/125#)
* Ring dips
NOTE: Power cleans instead of the typical squat cleans for this version of Elizabeth

Extra Credit: 4x400m run w/ 1 minute rest between efforts

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rest Day - June 10, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off, make sure you stay active and do some sort of mobility.

WOD - June 9, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

"CrossFit for HOPE Fundraiser WOD"

This workout is Fight Gone Bad style with 1 minute of work at each station followed by a 1 minute rest after 5 minutes of work. There are 3 total rounds of this WOD.

Work Capacity: 3 Rounds for total repetitions of:
* 1 minute burpees
* 1 minute power snatch (75#/55#)
* 1 minute box jumps (24"/20")
* 1 minute thrusters (75#/55#)
* 1 minute C2B pull-ups
* 1 minute REST

Consider donating to St. Jude's Children's hospital under the affiliate "CrossFit Reebok Back Bay" at All proceeds of this fundraiser go directly towards the children at St. Jude's and research to help save lives from cancer and other fatal diseases.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

WOD - June 8, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 3x Burgener warm-up (snatch) -- 115#/75#

Strength: 5x5 Back squat @ 85% 1RM

Work Capacity: EMOTM 20 minutes:
* Odd minutes = 2x Snatches (185#/125#)
* Even minutes = 10 T2B
NOTE: First minute is snatches, second is T2B, etc

Extra Credit: 10 Rounds of:
* Row 30s sprint
* Row 15s recovery
Score is total distance

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

WOD - June 7, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 15-12-9 reps of:
* Box jumps (24"/20")
* Burpees

Strength: 1-1-1-1-1 Strict press, 3-3-3-3-3 Push press, 5-5-5-5-5 Push jerk

Work Capacity: 5 rounds for time of:
* 6x UNBROKEN Muscle-ups
* 18x UNBROKEN KB Swings (70#/53#)
If set is not completed unbroken, 10 box jump (24"/20") penalty assessed per missed rep at the end of each round (total reps of each movement must still be completed)

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10:
* 5x Strict HSPU

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

WOD - June 6, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: 3 Rounds: 10x strict pull-ups, 10x T2B

Strength: 3x5 Deadlift @ 80% 1RM, 3x3 Deadlift @ 90% 1RM, 5x5 Bent-over row AHAP

Work Capacity/Active Recovery: For time:
* Row 2,000m
* 50x GHD sit-ups

Extra Credit: 50x hollow rocks and 50x GHD hip extensions

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WOD - June 5, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up:With empty barbell: 20 front squats, 20 back squats, 20 OH squats

Strength: Bench Press 5 rounds:
* 5 reps at light weight (~60% 5RM)
* 5 reps at moderate weight (~75% 5RM)
* 5 reps at heavy weight (~90% 5RM)

Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time of:
* 3x Front Squats (185#/125#)
* 6x Back Squats (185#/125#)
* 12x Burpees
NOTE: bar starts from floor

Extra Credit: 5 rounds of:
* 200m sprint
* 200m jog

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Monday, June 4, 2012

WOD - June 4, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: With a light kettlebell: 15x One-arm KB swings, 15x KB Clean and jerks, 15x KB snatch (go through full sequence on one arm, then switch -- complete 3 rounds on each arm)

Strength: 5x3 Front Squat @ 85% 1RM (round weight up to nearest 5) -- i.e. if 85% is 257#, round up to 265#

Work Capacity: AMRAP 12 minutes of:
* 1x C2B pull-up
* 1x KB Swing (70#/53#)
Increase reps by 1 each round, i.e. 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3 and 3, etc. Score is round completed plus additional reps.

Extra Credit: 4x 500m row, 2 min rest between efforts

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rest Day - June 3, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off and do some mobility work. Back on a normal schedule of conditioning for this upcoming week, active recovery will be Wednesday and rest day will be Sunday.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

WOD - June 2, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: EMOTM 5 minutes:
* 3x Unbroken Muscle-ups
* 6x Pistols

Strength: 5x3 Clean @ 80% 1RM (2 ct pause at bottom)

Work Capacity: 7 Rounds for time:
* 7x Box jumps (30"/24")
* 7x Wall balls (30#/20#)

Extra Credit: 10 Rounds of:
* Row 1 minute (distance)
* Rest 1 minute

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