Friday, April 6, 2012

WOD - April 6, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 3 Rounds of:
* 10x Towel/Commando Pull-ups
* 10x HSPU
* 10x Muscle-up transitions

Strength: 5 Rounds of:
* 1x Snatch Balance
* 2x OH Squats
Barbell loaded at 80% 1RM OH Squat

Work Capacity: Perform each of the following exercises to obtain max repetitions in 2 minutes, then rest 2 minutes between each exercise:
* Max reps Deadlift (275#/185#)
* Max reps pistols (alternate legs)
* Max reps KB Swings (70#/53#)
* Max reps muscle-ups

Extra Credit: For maximum calories:
* 4 minute row

Post results to comments.


  1. Warm-up: Wanted to do rope climbs but couldn't find one. HSPU felt easy after yesterdays weighted ones.

    185-185-190-195-205(fail balance)-195. Tried to make sure I dropped quick on the balance and got better as I went.

    33 / 28 / 40 / 11
    suprised how gased I got on pistols and swings. Pistols felt better than they have should have pushed harder on swings I didnt need to rest as much as I did. Muscle-ups were tough I failed about 3 did them all without a false grip.

    Extra credit:
    65 Cals, I half-assed this right after the wod.

  2. Ring pullups x 7; HSPU to an abmat x 7; 3x

    185f (balance), 165#, 175#, 175#, 180#, 185#; got better as I went; need to keep elbows lower, under bar, to drive up more not in

    WOD: 30, 31, 16 (25# pullups), 8 assisted muscle ups (red band), triceps were fried
