Thursday, April 5, 2012

WOD - April 5, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 3x Barbell Complex (95#/65#):
* 6x Snatch-grip RDL
* 6x Snatch-grip High-pull
* 6x Hang Power Snatch
* 6x Good Mornings

Strength: 6x3 Snatch-grip Push-press @ 95% 1RM Snatch

Work Capacity: "Helen" 3 Rounds for time of:
* 400m run
* 21x KB Swings (53#/35#)
* 12x Pull-ups

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10 minutes w/20# vest:
* 8x Hand-release Push-ups
* 4x HSPU

Post results to comments.


  1. Strength:
    195, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185. Started heavy but tweaked my shoulder a bit, its the way down back onto my back that I find ackward with these. Weight wasn't that tough so I focused on getting a strong hip drive and lockout.

    Work Capacity: 7:42, pretty pissed with this as I was hoping for Low 7' or under. I did all the kbs / pull-up rounds in around 50s but my runs were slow. They were outside and last 50m was a pretty tough hill.

    Extra Credit: Rds 1-4 Complete / 5th round 8+2HSPU / 6th off / 7th 8+3HSPU / 8th off / 9th Complete / 10th 8+1HSPU.
    All HSPU were strict, I tried to kip but it wasn't working - I may have been too close to the wall with the games standard. 20# Vest made this really tough.

  2. Strength: 165#; from ground, tricky cushioning from lockout; not too challenging
    WOD: 8:09; could have pushed runs a touch more, need to work on moving straight to the next exercise w/o resting
    Extra Credit: no vest; started with HSPU then it deteriorated to holds b/c my shoulders were fried
