Monday, April 2, 2012

WOD - April 2, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: With empty barbell, cycle through the following complex 3 times: 6 Romanian Deadlift, 6 Clean Pulls, 6 Muscle Cleans, 6 Push Jerk, 6 Muscle Snatch)

Strength: Work up to a 1RM Thruster, then do 4x3 @ 80% 1RM

Work Capacity: AMRAP 7 minutes of:
* 7x Burpees
* 7x Toes-to-bar
* 7x C2B Pull-ups

Extra Credit Conditioning: 10 Rounds of:
* 1 minute row for distance
* 1 minute rest

Post results to comments.


  1. Warm-Up: Done
    Strength: 1RM-155lb
    WC: Completed 6 rounds, got to 4 Toes-to-bar
    EC: Done, almost puked my dinner. Tasty!

  2. warm up: done
    strength: 155lbs 1RM - failed on 165lbs
    work capacity: 6 rounds and completed round 7 T2B
    extra credit: done

  3. Warm up: done
    Strength: 145# 1RM = failed on 155#
    Work Capacity: 3 rounds and completed round 4 2 C2B
    Extra credit: Done.

  4. Strength: PR'd by 20 pounds at 215 for the 1RM Thruster. Did the 4x3 at 165.

    WC: Completed 5 full rounds plus 7 burpees and 7 toes-to bar

  5. Warm-Up: Done

    Strength: 225, 235 (failed). All from the ground, have hit 235 from a rack before. Was too slow out of the squat and I push on an incline rather than straight up.
    4x3 @ 190# - These felt good.

    Work Capacity: Though I did 6rds+6 Burpees but I think I actually did 7+6 because all my rounds were coming in under a min. This WOD was tougher than expected.

    Extra Credit: 2904 Total Meters (~1:48 pace), 300,297,294,291,287,270,284,302(Immigrant Song on my IPod),287,294
    This WOD is brutal but my Met-Con felt strong and I recovered well between each, my pull was just weak and faded fast I noticed a weak pull when power cleaning my thrusters as well. I was able to shorten my pull and increase my spm a few rounds to keep my pace up. I didn't eat much before the WOD tonight either.
