Sunday, April 29, 2012

WOD - April 30, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 500m row, 25 pistols

Strength: 1-20-1-15-1-10 Back Squats (First 1 should be 95-100% 1RM or a new PR -- WORK UP with some light-moderate WU sets, 20-15-10 reps should be done at the same weight)

Work Capacity 1: 10-8-6-4-2 Muscle-ups, 4-8-12-16-20 Box Jumps (30"/24")

Work Capacity 2: Row 2,000m for time
NOTE: Work Capacity 2 is only for competitors or for those who are looking to increase volume intelligently. If you are sore or too fatigued to perform WOD 2, then DO NOT do it.

Extra Credit: 3 Rounds of:
* Max reps strict unbroken HSPU
* Rest 2 minutes

Post results to comments.


  1. Warm Up: Completed
    Strength: 225 115 235 115 245 115
    WC1: Completed, didn't time myself.

    Was a little confused, were we supposed to alternate between MU's and box jumps, or finish all MU's and then move onto box jumps?

    EC: Total HSPU's: 30

    1. That is my fault for not explaining this notation. I meant for you to do 10 MU, then 4 box jumps, then 8 MU, then 8 box jumps, etc. If I want you to hit all the muscle-ups straight, I will just say 30 muscle-ups, 60 box jumps instead of the dashed notation.

    2. Got it, thanks a lot. Good luck with the competition

  2. warm up: done

    strength: did not do due to time constraint

    work capacity #1: had to alternate between muscle ups and muscle up transitions and also did not time.

    5 MU/5 MUT, 2 MU/6 MUT, 2 MU/4 MUT, 1MU/3 MUT, 2MU

    work capacity #2: 8:02

    extra credit: 11-6-9 max reps per rnd

  3. Strength: 355, 225, 355, 225, 365, 225

    WC1: 9:14

    EC: 31 total (12-10-9)
