Saturday, April 28, 2012

WOD - April 28, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 3 Rounds of:
* 10x Towel pull-ups
* 10x Kipping HSPU

Strength: 5x2 Hang Squat Clean @ 80% 1RM (use hook grip and take time to reset it)

Work Capacity: 4 Rounds of:
* 500m row sprint
* 500m row sustainable pace (somewhat fast but relaxed)

Extra Credit: EMOTM 10 minutes:
* 14x Pistols (7 ea leg)

Post results to comments.

1 comment:

  1. warm up: done (had difficulty w/ kipping hspu)

    strength: 145#, 155#x4

    work capacity: 17:56

    extra credit: instead of pistols, practiced muscle ups
