Friday, August 31, 2012

WOD - August 31, 2012 - Friday


STRENGTH: Hi-bar back squat; 5@45%, 5@55%, 5@65%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%

WORK CAPACITY 1: 3 rounds for time of:
* 300m row
* 15 KB swings (70#/53#)
* 5 HSPU

WORK CAPACITY 2: Half "Flight Simulator" for time:
* 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 UNBROKEN double-unders

ADDITIONAL: AMRAP 3 minutes of burpees

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

WOD - August 30, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Strength: 5 rounds of the complex:
* 1 Snatch balance
* 2 OH Squats
Load should be AHAP for the complex and this complex should be completed unbroken

Work Capacity 1: AMRAP 12 of:
* 1 Power clean (185#/120#)
* 1 C2B pull-up
* 2 Clean
* 2 C2B
* 3 Clean
* 3 C2B
So on and so forth, increasing reps by 1 each round

Work Capacity 2: 8 intervals of:
* Tabata bottom-to-bottom squat
NOTE: Start in the bottom position of the air squat. One rep is standing up to full extension and returning to the bottom of the squat. This WOD will be 8 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest (total of 4 minutes). The 10 seconds of rest MUST be taken at the bottom of the squat. Your score is the lowest reps completed in any of the 8 rounds.

Additional: EMOTM 10 minutes:
* 1-3 muscle-ups depending on skill

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rest Day - August 29, 2012 - Wednesday


Move around a little bit, stretch, and get some blood back in your muscles. Try to stay active on these rest days without overly taxing your body. Yoga is a great choice as is swimming.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

WOD - August 28, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Strength: Strict press 5x5 AHAP

Work Capacity 1: 5 rounds for total time of:
* 5 Power snatches (135#/85#)
* 10 Ring dips
* 15 Wall balls (30#/20#)

Work Capacity 2: For time:
* Row 1,000m

Additional: 50 GHD sit-ups and 50 GHD hip extensions

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Monday, August 27, 2012

WOD - August 27, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Strength: Hi-bar back squat; 3@55%, 3@65%, 3@75%, 3@85%, 3@85%, 3@85%

Work Capacity 1: 3 Rounds for time of:
* 20 Unbroken KB swings (70#/53#)
* 10 Thrusters (135#/95#)
* 10 Box jumps (30"/24")

Work Capacity 2: 5 rounds for time of:
* 5 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
* 10 DB Hang squat cleans (45#/25#)

Additional: 3x8 Good Mornings at moderately light weight (for lower back health)

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rest Day - August 26, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off. The Olympic lifting cycle is officially over. More general strength and conditioning starts on Monday with a focus on the upcoming Garage Games competition season. Anyone who needs specific coaching for certain events can contact me regarding possible personal programming.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

WOD - August 25, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Clean and jerk 6x1 @ 85%; Power clean 3x3 @ 75% -- rest 75s between sets

Strength: Split jerk from split (start in split, dip drive and land back in split) 5x2 AHAP, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: For time:
* 50 Push-ups
* 40 Wall balls (30#/20#)
* 30 Cal row
* 20 Pistols (alternating legs)
* 10 L pull-ups

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

WOD - August 24, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Barbell WorkSnatch 6x1 @ 85%, Snatch pull 5x5 @ 80% 1RM snatch -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Low-bar box squats 31x1 tempo, 5x3 @ 85%, rest 2 mins between

Work Capacity: 5 rounds for time of: 
* 8x Squat clean thrusters (135#/95#)
* 16x Box jumps (24"/20")

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Rest Day - August 23, 2012 - Thursday

Rest Day

There are only two more days left in this two month Olympic lifting cycle we have all been following. I have seen and heard of many PR's in the recent tests of your 1RM C&J, snatch, front squat, and back squat. Overall, I am pleased with the results of this cycle. With the Garage Games competition season fast upon us, the next cycle of programming will focus on gearing up for these competitions (Firebreather Festival, Eye of the Storm, CrossFit Milford, etc). Expect heavy volume and more strength-based metcons than we have seen in awhile. The end goal of this conditioning phase will be to prep us all for the upcoming year's CrossFit Games Open. Rest up, stretch, and get ready to ramp up the intensity.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

WOD - August 22, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Clean pull 5x3 @ 85% 1RM clean, Hang squat clean 3x3 @ 80%, Hang squat snatch 3x3 @ 80% -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Front squat, 3x3 @ 90%, 2x2 @ 95%, 1x1 @ 100%, 1x1 @ 105%, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: 4 rounds for total time of:
* Run 800m
* Rest 3 minutes between efforts

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

WOD - August 21, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Clean 5x2 @ 80%, Rack jerk 5x2 @ 80% -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: 5-3-2-1-1 Push Press, working to 1RM, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: "Half Nate" AMRAP 10 of:
* 2x Muscle-ups
* 4x HSPU
* 8x KB Swings (70#/53#)

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Monday, August 20, 2012

WOD - August 20, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch 5x3 @ 80%; Snatch pull 5x3 @ 85% 1RM snatch -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Low-bar back squat, 3x3 @ 90%, 2x2 @ 95%, 1x1 @ 100%, 1x1 @ 105%, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: 30-20-10 reps for time of:
* Cal row
* Burpees

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rest Day - August 19, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Rest day. Make sure you get a good stretch in. After this Oly cycle finishes up we will go back towards a general strength and conditioning cycle in preparation for fall competitions.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

WOD - August 18, 2012 - Saturday


BARBELL WORK: C&J 2x1 @ 90%, 2x1 @ 95%, 2x1 @ 97%, 1x1 @ 100%, 1x1 @ 105%; clean pull 6x2 AHAP -- rest 75s between sets

STRENGTH: Strict press, 5x5 AHAP, rest 2 mins between sets

WORK CAPACITY: 5 rounds for time of:
* 10 Front squats (135#/95#)
* 10 Box jumps (24"/20")

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Friday, August 17, 2012

WOD - August 17, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch 2x1 @ 90%, 2x1 @ 95%, 2x1 @ 97%, 1x1 @ 100%, 1x1 @ 105%; Snatch pull 6x2 AHAP -- rest 75s between sets

Strength: Hi-bar back squat w/ 23x1 tempo, 5x3 @ 85%, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: EMOTM 14 minutes of:
* Odd minutes = 3 Deadlifts (315#/225#), 6 Ring dips
* Even minutes = 10 T2B

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rest Day - August 16, 2012 - Thursday

Rest Day

Do some active recovery and plenty of mobility. Pay special attention to hips and shoulders; if you have a lacrosse ball available, grind through the tissue near your hip flexors and shoulder blades.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WOD - August 15, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch pull 5x5 AHAP, Clean pull 5x5 AHAP, Hang power snatch 3x3 @ 85% -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Front squat, 5x4 @ 85% w/ 23x1 tempo, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time of:
* 10x OH Squat (135#/95#)
* 50x Double-unders

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

WOD - August 14, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Barbell WorkClean 3x1 @ 90%, 2x1 @ 95%, 2x1 @ 97%; Rack Jerk 3x1 @ 90%, 2x1 @ 95%, 2x1 @ 97% -- rest 75s btwn all sets

Strength: Close-grip bench 20x1 tempo (2 count down, no pause at bottom, explode up, 1 count pause at top), 5x5 AHAP, rest 2 mins btwn

Work Capacity: 21-15-9 reps for time of:
* Burpee wall balls (30#/20#)
* Burpee pull-ups

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

WOD - August 13, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch 4x2 @ 90%, 2x1 @ 97%; Power snatch 3x3 @ 85% -- rest 75s between sets

Strength: Low-bar back squat 3x3 @ 90%, 2x3 @ 93% -- rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: For time:
* Run 800m
* Row 700m
* Run 600m
* Row 500m
* Run 400m
* Row 300m
* Run 200m
* Row 100m

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rest Day - August 12, 2012 - Sunday


Make sure you get a good stretch in today and hit an ice bath or a contrast shower to revitalize your body. If you have some free time today, come out to the Beantown Throwdown at CrossFit Fenway and support the two teams from Reebok CrossFit Back Bay who are competing. The schedule for the day is as follows:

RCFBB WOD 1 @ 9:40 am
RCFBB WOD 2 @ 11:10 am
RCFBB WOD 3 @ 12:50 am
There is also a 4th event if either of our teams qualify. Happy Sunday everyone!

Friday, August 10, 2012

WOD - August 11, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Clean and jerk 7x1 @ 95%, Power clean 3x3 @ 85% -- rest 75s between sets

Strength: 5x3 Push press AHAP, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: 4 rounds each for time of:
* Row 500m
* Rest 3 minutes between efforts

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WOD - August 10, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch 5x1 @ 95%, Hang squat snatch 4x1 @ 85% -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Low-bar back squat, 5x5 @ 80, 85, 85, 87, 87% -- rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: 5 rounds for total time of:
* 15x Thrusters (115#/75#)
* 10x C2B pull-ups
* 30x Double-unders
* Rest 2 mins between rounds

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rest Day - August 9, 2012 - Thursday


Enjoy the day off and do plenty of mobility. For those of you who are around this weekend, come out and support the teams that Reebok CrossFit Back Bay is sending to the Beantown Throwdown at CF Fenway on Sunday. The event runs all day so feel free to come watch and hang out!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WOD - August 8, 2012 - Wednesday


BARBELL WORK: Split jerk, 7x2 @ 90% with 4 second pause in catch -- rest 75s between sets

STRENGTH: Front squat, 2x3 @ 85%, 2x2 @ 90%, 2x2 @ 95%, rest 2 mins between sets

* 4 HSPU
* 8 Deadlift (275#/185#)
* 12 Toes-through-rings

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

WOD - August 7, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Clean and jerk, 6x2 @ 90%; clean pull 5x3 AHAP -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: 5 rounds of the complex:
* 1x strict press
* 3x push press
Load AHAP, rest 2 minutes between each set

Work Capacity: 5 rounds for time of:
* 10x Dynamic box jump (line up two boxes in a row with enough space in between to stand -- jump onto 24"/20" box, then onto floor between boxes, then immediately up onto 30"/24" second box)
* 20x KB swings (53#/35#)

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

WOD - August 6, 2012 - Monday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch, 3x3 @ 80%, 3x2 @ 85%, 2x1 @ 90%; snatch pull 5x3 AHAP -- rest 75s between all sets
NOTE: Do not perform the sets of 3 and 2 as touch-and-go reps. Reset at the bottom, rest about 10 seconds, and then perform the next rep of the set

Strength: Low-bar back squat, 4x3 @ 90%, 2x2 @ 95%, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: "Nancy on a Boat" 5 Rounds for time of:
* 500m row
* 15x OH Squats (95#/65#)

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Rest Day - August 4, 2012 - Sunday

Rest Day

Enjoy the day off. Thanks to everyone who competed yesterday and to everyone who came out to watch and support the competitors. It was a great day because of all of our amazing members and because of the great help of our coaches who worked the event all day. Get a good stretch in and see you on Monday.

Friday, August 3, 2012

WOD - August 4, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

For those of you not competing in the Reebok CrossFit Back Bay Internal Throwdown, your WOD for today is as follows:

Barbell Work: 5x2 Clean and jerk @ 85%, 2x1 C&J @ 92%, 5x3 Clean pull AHAP -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Behind-the-neck strict press, 5x5 AHAP, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: For time:
* 50 Wall balls (20#/14#)
* 25 T2B
* 40 Wall balls
* 20 T2B
* 30 Wall balls
* 15 T2B
* 20 Wall balls
* 10 T2B
* 10 Wall balls
* 5 T2B

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Competition: August 4th Remaining WODs

Remaining WODs for RCFBB Internal Throwdown

As promised, listed below are the remaining events for the internal throwdown tomorrow. I have had a number of you contact me with concerns after I revealed the first WOD, but please resist the urge to back out of the competition or try and switch divisions last minute. You will NOT have these options in a regular competition, and my goal is to prepare you for what lies ahead while having a whole lot of fun with fellow members. We will cover all standards and questions at the athlete's briefing tomorrow morning, but any urgent questions can be directed to me at

WOD 2/3
3 minutes to establish a 1RM clean and jerk
Rest 1 minute, then

AMRAP 3 of:
C2B pull-ups (RX MEN) OR pull-ups (RX WOMEN)
AMRAP 2 of:
Snatches (145/85)
AMRAP 1 of:
Reverse wall climbs

3 minutes to establish a 1RM shoulder-to-overhead off racks
Rest 1 minute, then

AMRAP 3 of:
Pull-ups (red band for SCALED MEN, blue band for SCALED WOMEN)
AMRAP 2 of:
Snatches (115/65)
AMRAP 1 of:
Plank push-ups

Before any of you even think about giving me a hard time for the snatch weight being so heavy, the snatch is meant to be a test that I believe many of you will fail. No offense, but I wanted the weight to be impossibly heavy to force you all to your limits and to show you that you are capable of far more than you think you are. That being said, the movement standards are as follows:

Score for WOD 2 is total weight successfully lifted. Score for WOD 3 is total repetitions across all of the AMRAPs.
Athletes will start with an empty bar, two collars, and a set of weights (2x 45#, 2x 35#, 2x 25#, 2x 15#, 2x 10#, and 2x 5# or 4x 2.5# plates) and will have 3 minutes to establish a 1RM clean and jerk or a 1RM shoulder-to-overhead off of racks depending on their division. If they need more weight than what is provided, they can use their judge to assist in obtaining it, but all athletes are responsible for loading their own bars. Any type of clean and jerk is acceptable, including but not limited to: power clean, hang clean (bar must start from the ground and be picked up), squat clean, squat clean thruster, clean into push jerk, or clean into split jerk. A complete repetition requires the athlete to reach full extension at the top with knees, hips, and arms fully extended; if a split jerk is performed, feet must be brought back together before lowering the barbell. After 3 minutes are complete, athletes will be given a one minute rest and bars will be moved off to the side by their judge. They then have 3 minutes to complete as many chest-to-bar/regular pull-ups as they can (or regular pull-ups with red/blue band if competing in the scaled division). Pull-up standards require the chest to clearly come in contact with the bar at the top (or chin to pass over the bar for rx women and scaled) and full extension of the arms at the bottom. Pull-ups may be strict, kipping, or butterfly. After 3 minutes, a call of “rotate” will be given and athletes will move on to their pre-loaded barbells. They then have 2 minutes to perform as many snatches as possible at 145/85 or 115/65 pounds respectively. Any form of snatch is acceptable (muscle, power, or squat) as long as the barbell starts from the ground and the athlete shows control at the top of each repetition with knees, hips, and arms fully extended. After 2 minutes, athletes will be given the final call of “rotate” and will move to their designated wall where they must perform reverse wall climbs (or plank push-ups for the scaled division) for the final minute. Athletes must start with chests on the ground and their chest must come in contact with the wall at the top of each repetition. Athletes must also lower themselves UNDER CONTROL for each repetition to be counted. For plank push-ups, both forearms being placed flat on the ground and the athlete then coming up onto both hands in the high-plank position constitutes one repetition.

WOD 4/5
Farmers’ walk relay
(40, 50, 70, 100# DB’s for men and 30, 40, 50, 70# DB’s for women)
Athletes will walk from the beginning of the stretching room to the end of the room, run back, grab the next set of DB’s, and repeat until all sets of DB’s have been moved across the room.
* 2 minute time limit for this event, then athletes will have 1 minute to complete max repetitions of:
L pull-ups on rings

Athletes will start standing behind the series of dumbbells in the stretching room. At the call of 3-2-1 go, the athletes will grab either the 30 or 40# DB’s (depending on division) and will perform a farmers’ carry to the other end of the room. After the DB’s have been set down UNDER CONTROL, athletes will sprint back and grab the next set of DB’s. They will continue in this fashion until they have carried the 70 or 100# DB’s to the other end of the room. After the final set of DB’s has been carried to the other end of the room, the clock stops only after athletes have successfully sprinted back and passed the starting line. If the DB’s are dropped at the end of the room instead of set down under control, athletes will perform a 1 burpee penalty before sprinting back. If they fail to do so, they will need to re-do the sprint down and back before picking up the next set of DB’s (or before clock stops if they did so on the last carry). In addition, a 1 burpee penalty will be immediately assessed any time the athletes set the dumbbells down between the starting line and finish line. There will be a 2 minute time cap for this event. After 2 minutes, athletes will then jump onto a set of rings and perform max L pull-ups on the rings. For ring pull-ups, the chin must clearly pass above the bottom of the rings and the L-sit position must be maintained for the entire raising AND lowering phase of the pull-up. Kipping is allowed for the L pull-up as long as the L-sit position is maintained through the entire pulling and lowering phase of the movement. If an athlete is unable to complete the farmers’ carry event in the 2 minute time cap, they will be given a partial score of the weight successfully carried plus a fraction of a point for which marker they reach on the next carry. Six cones will be placed at even spaces between the start and finish, and the athlete will receive a decimal point for the cone reached. For example, if a male RX athlete only carries the 100# DB’s to the third cone, their score would be 70.3 for the event. Athletes who complete the event will have an official time as their score, and athletes will be ranked accordingly. Score for the gymnastics skill event is total repetitions completed in the minute. Each event (the farmers’ walk and the gymnastics skill) will be scored separately.

FINAL WOD -- The Chipper
* Only the top 6 athletes in each division will qualify for the Chipper

“31 St. James” For time:

31 Box jumps (24”/20”)
31 Pull-ups
31 Deadlifts (225#/135#)
31 T2B
31 Push jerks (135#/85#)
31 Burpees
31 Double-unders
31 Hang power cleans (95#/65#)

31 Box jumps (24”/20”)
31 Jumping Pull-ups
31 Deadlifts (155#/115#)
31 Hanging knee raises (above waist)
31 Push jerks (85#/65#)
31 Burpees
31 Double-under attempts
31 Hang power cleans (65#/35#)


Only the top 6 competitors from each division will compete in this workout, and it will be performed as ONE final heat. This is a chipper style workout meaning all repetitions of each exercise must be completed before moving on to the next exercise. At the call of 3-2-1 go athletes will begin their box jumps. Athletes will only have one barbell per station. Box jump standards require each athlete to jump and land with both feet, and athletes must stand tall on top of the box with hips and knees fully extended before coming off of the box. Rebounding off the top of the box is NOT ALLOWED, but athletes may rebound off of the floor back onto the box. Athletes are also allowed to step down off of the box if desired. Upon completing their deadlifts, athletes can immediately strip their weight to 135/85 or 85/65 (bars will be set up so that plates only need to be stripped and collars replaced), or they can wait to do so immediately before beginning their push jerks. Furthermore, after completing push jerks, athletes can strip their bar immediately to 95/65 (or 65/35) or wait to do so. The clock will stop when the athlete has completed their last hang power clean. On T2B, athletes must physically touch the bar with both feet, and the heels must pass behind the bar at the bottom of each repetition (for scaled division, knees must rise above the waistline, and heels must still pass behind the bar at the bottom). A rep is completed immediately upon contact of the feet with the bar, and athletes do not need to return to the bottom under control. The deadlift and hang power clean both require athletes to be fully upright with knees and hips locked out, and elbows must be visibly in front of the bar in the catch position of the hang power clean. For the hang power clean, a pause at the top of the deadlift position must be shown before cleaning the bar. A power clean from the floor will not count as a repetition. Push jerk repetitions are only counted once the athlete has stood up after receiving the bar in the overhead position with side profile of the face clearly visible between the arms. Standards for the pull-up are typical CrossFit standards, with the chin clearly passing over the bar and arms fully extended at the bottom. Strict, kipping, and butterfly pull-ups are all allowed. An athlete’s score is the total time required to complete the event, unless the athlete does not finish all exercises within the 20 minute time limit. If this is the case, the athlete’s score will be 20 minutes plus an additional second for each repetition that they did not complete.

Good luck to all competitors tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you all throw down. As I said before, I truly believe all of you are stronger and tougher than you give yourselves credit for, and these WODs were designed to bring out your best by pushing you all to your limits. Get a good night's sleep, eat a good meal tonight and tomorrow morning, and most importantly, GET EXCITED!

Coach Justin 

Competition Tip: Recovering Between WODs

Recovering Between WODs at a Competition

This will be my last post regarding tips and hints for how to succeed in a competition. Tomorrow night's post will contain the remainder of the WODs for Saturday's Throwdown along with a finalized version of the heat times and schedule for the day. I have received many questions from those of you competing regarding recovery and repair between WODs. What exactly can you do to prevent early soreness or muscle fatigue from limiting your performance?

Nutrition for optimum post-workout recovery

The biggest question I seem to have gotten from you guys is along the lines of what meals and snacks you should bring to keep you fueled throughout the day. Immediately after each WOD I recommend you down a protein shake and eat a piece of fruit. Bananas are great for the extra potassium which will prevent cramping, and I cannot recommend the Stronger Faster Healthier brand of protein we carry enough; those shakes helped fuel me through Regionals and I felt adequately recovered throughout the day. Making your shakes in coconut water such as Vita Coco is also a great option; the taste may be a little harsh at first but it will help you refuel and recover quickly while helping you stay hydrated. The extra potassium from the coconut water is also great for preventing cramps. In between WODs and especially during the scheduled breaks, it is important that you eat a meal of some kind to keep your nutrient levels high. I would NOT eat a large meal here, you really only want enough food to refuel you without making you full. For this purpose I find a small chicken breast, some sweet potato, and a small package of mixed nuts and berries does the trick. The key is not to eat until you're full or your digestive system will kick into overload and drain some of your energy. Not to mention, exercising on a full stomach just isn't fun to begin with.

What else can I do to recover?

Aside from proper nutrition, there are a few other things you should be focusing on in order to recover as much as possible between WODs. Make sure you stretch immediately after finishing your events. Make a protein shake, grab a foam roller or lacrosse ball, and get in some mobility while you are consuming your post-WOD nutrition. Stretching after a workout is crucial in order to keep your muscles functioning during the later events, and post-workout mobility is more important than any mobility work you can do beforehand. If you don't stretch after your events, you may find your muscles locking up on you and becoming extremely tight going into later events. This will certainly blunt your performance where you need it most.

In short, eat a nutritious breakfast and consume plenty of food BEFORE showing up at the competition on Saturday; the meals you consume throughout the competition should be small and straightforward. Bring some nutrient-rich snacks and stockpile on protein and bananas for your post-WOD nutrition and to help you refuel between events. There will be Vita Coco available to ensure all of you stay hydrated, but make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Stay tuned tomorrow night for the rest of the WODs and the final heat schedule!

Coach Justin

WOD - August 3, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: 5x2 Snatch @ 85%, 2x1 Snatch @ 92%, 5x2 Jerk @ 85% -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Low-bar back squat, 5x5 @ 85%, rest 2 mins between sets

Work Capacity: 21-15-9-15-21 reps for time of:
* Cal row
* Pull-ups

Post results to comments.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Competition: August 4th WOD #1

RCFBB Internal Throwdown WOD 1

So, as promised I decided to leak the first WOD of Saturday's competition tonight. If you were at the competition class tonight, you got a quick rundown of the workout as well as the movement standards and how it will flow. Aside from all of your groans and complaints, I'd say it went pretty well. For the rest of you, the first workout will go down as follows:

AMRAP 5:30 of:
* 1,000m row
* Max reps of Thrusters in remaining time
The weights will be 115/75 for RX and 85/65 for SCALED

The movement standards on this one are pretty straightforward. The thruster must achieve full depth on the front squat portion with hip crease below knee and you must achieve full lockout at the top of each rep with knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows extended. The side profile of your face must be clearly visible in between your arms at the top of each rep. As someone asked tonight, squat cleaning the first rep of a set is acceptable. Your rower will be set to a damper of 5 and can be adjusted to your liking only AFTER the clock has started. On the other hand, your foot pedals and straps can be adjusted however you would like before the WOD starts. Athletes will start standing behind their rowers and, after the clock has started, they can strap in and begin pulling. Judges will make sure your monitors are on so don't worry about that. You must maintain your grip on the handle until the rower clearly shows 1,000m completed or you will be required to re-row the distance you missed.

The clock will be set to count down from 5 minutes 30 seconds. After completing the 1,000m row, athletes will have the remainder of the time on the clock to complete as many thrusters as possible. The score for this WOD is completed thrusters ONLY, so if you don't get any thrusters unfortunately that will be tough luck. In the event that multiple athletes do not complete the 1,000m row in the 5:30 time period, they will be ranked according to total meters rowed.

All other WODs will be posted on Friday night to ensure none of you get adequate sleep while you worry about the next day's events. Good luck to all competitors and we will see you on Saturday!

Coach Justin

Rest Day - August 2, 2012 - Thursday

Rest Day

Perform some active recovery if you are following my programming and competing on Saturday. Make sure you do plenty of mobility and stretch your face off. If not, enjoy your rest day and keep watching the Olympics because they are cool and because 105 pound women can out-lift you. More coming at you tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

WOD - August 1, 2012 - Wednesday

Workout of the Day

Barbell Work: Snatch grip deadlift 5x5 AHAP (focus on speed to hip and "Superman pull" position), power clean 5x3 @ 80% -- rest 75s between all sets

Strength: Front squat, 4x2 @ 90%, 1x1 @ 100%, 1x1 @ 105%, rest 2 minutes between sets

Work Capacity: 5 rounds of:
* AMRAP 3 of 400m run, max one-arm KB snatches (53#/35# -- alternating arms) in remaining time
* Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Post results to comments.