Thursday, July 5, 2012

WOD - July 5, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-up: Split footwork drills, then with empty barbell 3 rounds of:
* 6x strict press
* 6x push press
* 6x push jerk
* 6x split jerk

Barbell Work: 7x2 split jerk @ 75% with 4 second pause in catch position (75 seconds rest btwn sets)

Strength: Hi-bar back squat, 6x4 @ 80% -- rest 2 minutes btwn sets

Work Capacity: EMOTM 12 minutes:
* Row 250/200 meters
Guys row 250, girls row 200. If you fail a minute, reduce meters by 25 and continue in this fashion until you can complete a given minute. Focus on consistency in your splits and on rapid hip extension. If you know you cannot complete the first minute at the given meters, reduce counts by 50 for all 12 minutes.

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