Friday, July 13, 2012

WOD - July 13, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

So it's Friday the 13th, scary. Hit this workout hard and enjoy the weekend.

Warm-up: 3 rounds of:
* 15x Wall balls (30#/20#)
* 20x Med ball split jerks (30#/20#)
Med ball split jerk is performed just like a regular split jerk; hold the ball roughly face level, dip, drive, and land with ball overhead in proper, balanced split position. Focus on proper width of split and staying soft in the back knee while maintaining proper balance.

Barbell Work: 7x2 Split jerk @ 80% with 4 second pause in catch position -- rest 75 seconds btwn each

Strength: Hi-bar back squat, 5x3 with 3 count lower, 1 count pause in bottom, and explosive drive upwards -- AHAP, rest 2 minutes btwn each, focus on pushing through the mid foot and driving aggressively out of the bottom

Work Capacity: AMRAP 12 of:
* 4x HSPU
* 8x KB Clean and press (53#/35# -- alternating arms)

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