Enjoy the day off. Be sure to do some mobility and take care of your body. This is the last week of heavy lifting volume before the North East Regional; feeling beat up and awful this week is normal. You will start to feel much better by the end of next week. Rest up, prepare nutrition, and do whatever you need to do in order to focus and hit the end of this week hard.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Rest Day - May 1, 2013 - Wednesday
Rest Day
Monday, April 29, 2013
WOD - April 30, 2013 - Tuesday
Workout of the Day
1) High bar back squat: 1x5 @ 82.5%, 2x3 @ 85%, 1x3 @ 87.5%, 1x3 @ 90%, 1x2 @ 92.5%, 2x1 @ 95% -- rest 2:00
2) Front squat: 5x3 @ 23x1 tempo, heavier than last week -- rest 60-90s
Work Capacity:
EMOTM 20 minutes:
Odd minutes = 4 Hang squat cleans (185#/120#)
Even minutes = 8 HSPU
Immediately at the 20 minute mark:
Row 500m AFAP
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Sunday, April 28, 2013
WOD - April 29, 2013 - Monday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Snatch high pull + snatch from below knees + tall snatch + OH squat, 1+1+1+2: 6x1 AHAP -- rest as needed
2) Clean pull + clean from below knees + front squat + jerk, 1+1+2+2: 5x1 AHAP -- rest as needed
Work Capacity:
For time:
30 Muscle-ups
* 6 minute CAP
Rest 5 minutes after completing Part A, then
AMRAP 7 minutes:
Row 1k
Max OH squats (135#/95#) in remaining time
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Rest Day - April 28, 2013 - Sunday
Rest Day
Enjoy the day off and do some mobility to maintain your body. The strength and volume work will soon hit its soft peak and tapering will begin for Regionals. Hopefully you will squat your old 1RM easily and will hit your 90% of projected snatch/clean and jerks easily. Back at it tomorrow.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
WOD - April 27, 2013 - Saturday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Snatch: 1x2 @ 70%, 3x2 @ 75%, 2x2 @ 80%, 2x2 @ 85%, 1x2 @ 80% -- rest 75s between lifts
2) Clean and jerk, 2+1: 1x1 @ 70%, 3x1 @ 75%, 2x1 @ 80%, 2x1 @ 85%, 1x1 @ 80% -- rest 75s between lifts
Work Capacity:
6 Rounds for time of:
10 KB Swings (70#/53#)
Row 150m
10 Burpees
Row 150m
Rest as needed after Part A, then
EMOTM 10 minutes:
3 Muscle-ups
5 Burpees
* Perform each round AFAP (goal is 25 seconds or less)
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
WOD - April 26, 2013 - Friday
Workout of the Day
1) High bar back squat: 1x5 @ 80%, 1x3 @ 85%, 2x3 @ 87.5%, 2x2 @ 90%, 1x1 @ 95% -- rest 2:00
2) Front squat: 5x3 heavier than last week @ 25x1 tempo -- rest 60-90s
* Note that this tempo is different than Tuesday's front squats
Work Capacity:
3 Rounds for total reps of:
ME Kipping HSPU
Rest 5 minutes
* If you complete more than 20 reps, perform the next 2 rounds at a 4" deficit
Rest as needed after completing Part A, then
For time:
25 Jumping squats (45#/35#)
50 Box jumps (24/20)
25 Jumping squats
100 Double-unders
25 Jumping squats
25 Cal row
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Wednesday, April 24, 2013
WOD - April 25, 2013 - Thursday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Power snatch + OH Squat, 2+1: 6x1 AHAP -- rest 60s
2) Power clean + Front squat + Push jerk, 1+1+1: 6x1 AHAP -- rest 60s
Work Capacity:
5 Rounds for total time of:
10 C2B
10 T2B
400m sprint
Rest 1:1
2 Rounds for total time:
25 GHD sit-ups
30 Hand-release push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
* Try to beat last week's time
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Rest Day - April 24, 2013 - Wednesday
Rest Day
Enjoy the day off and perform some active recovery if you aren't too sore. Some light skill work is acceptable if you are feeling alright. If not, sauna/steam, contrast shower, or go get a massage. If you need to prep nutrition for the rest of the week, get it done today.
Monday, April 22, 2013
WOD - April 23, 2013 - Tuesday
Workout of the Day
1) High bar back squat: 1x5 @ 77.5%, 2x5 @ 80%, 1x4 @ 85%, 1x3 @ 87.5%, 1x2 @ 90% -- rest 2:00
2) Front squat: 5x3 heavier than last week @ 23x1 tempo -- rest 60-90s
Work Capacity:
5 Rounds for total time of:
30 Burpees
Rest 1:1
Rest 5 minutes, then
For time:
100 Cal row
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Sunday, April 21, 2013
WOD - April 22, 2013 - Monday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Snatch pull + Snatch, 2 + 1: 1x1 @ 70%, 2x1 @ 75%, 2x1 @ 80%, 1x1 @ 75% -- rest 90s
2) Clean from below knees + clean, 2 + 1: 1x1 @ 70%, 2x1 @ 75%, 3x1 @ 80% -- rest 90s
3) Jerk from racks: 5x3 @ 85%
* Percentage based on 4/15/13 OR previous PR, whatever is higher
Work Capacity:
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
100 Double-unders, then max rounds of:
2 Muscle-ups
8 KB Swings (70#/53#)
Rest 3 minutes, then
AMRAP 5 minutes of:
350m row, then max rounds of:
2 Muscle-ups
8 KB Swings (70#/53#)
* Try to match or beat your rounds from the first part in the second part
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Saturday, April 20, 2013
Rest Day - April 21, 2013 - Sunday
Rest Day
Enjoy the day off. Stretch, mobilize, and get loose. Sauna or steam if you have access or, better yet, get a massage. The ladder from yesterday will make an appearance each week getting slightly more difficult up until Regionals, and there will be plenty of time to practice the lifts in preparation for the competition. Back at it tomorrow.
Friday, April 19, 2013
WOD - April 20, 2013 - Saturday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Snatch: 1x2 @ 65%, 2x2 @ 70%, 2x2 @ 75%, 2x2 @ 80%, 2x2 @ 75% -- rest 75s between lifts
2) Clean and jerk, 2 + 1: 1x1 @ 65%, 2x1 @ 70%, 2x1 @ 75%, 2x1 @ 80%, 2x1 @ 75% -- rest 75s between lifts (each set is 3 total reps)
NOTE: Percentages for these lifts are based off PROJECTED 100% NOT current. Pick a weight that you feel you can realistically hit by the week of the May 17 Regional. For most, this will be roughly 10 pounds heavier than their current numbers.
Work Capacity:
AMRAP 2 minutes of:
KB Swings (70#/53#)
Immediately perform same number of UNBROKEN double-unders AFAP
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 2 minutes of:
Immediately perform same number of burpees AFAP
Rest as needed after Part A, then
For time:
1K Row
30 Hang power cleans (135#/95#)
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
WOD - April 19, 2013 - Friday
Workout of the Day
1) High bar back squat: 1x5 @ 75%, 1x5 @ 77.5%, 1x3 @ 80%, 2x3 @ 85%, 1x2 @ 90% -- rest 2:00
2)Front squat: 5x3 AHAP @ 25x1 tempo -- rest 60-90s
* Note that this tempo is different than Tuesday's front squats
Work Capacity:
7 Rounds for total time of:
14 OH Squats (135#/95#)
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 5 minutes after completion of Part A, then for times:
500m row
Rest 1 minute
500m row
* 25 Burpee penalty if second row is slower than first by 5 or more seconds
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
WOD - April 18, 2013 - Thursday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Halting snatch (3 second pause just below knees) + OH Squat, 2 + 1: 5x2 AHAP -- rest 60s
NOTE: Aim for zero failed lifts
2) Tall clean + jerk, 2 + 1: 5x2 AHAP with perfectly vertical bounce out of the bottom -- rest 90s
Work Capacity:
AMRAP 12 minutes of:
8 Hang power cleans (185/120)
16 Burpees
3 rounds of:
Sprint 400m
Rest 1:1
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Rest Day - April 17, 2013 - Wednesday
Rest Day
Enjoy the day off. For anyone in the Boston area or anyone with family there, yesterday's events were truly horrible and unforgivable. Although there will always be evil present in the world, the heroic acts of many people yesterday are even more important to remember. I love this city, and I know that we will bounce back. Stay strong, and know that Reebok CrossFit Back Bay has open doors during this time.
Monday, April 15, 2013
WOD - April 16, 2013 - Tuesday
Workout of the Day
1) High bar back squat: 1x5 @ 70%, 2x5 @ 75%, 1x3 @ 80%, 2x3 @ 85% -- rest 2:00
2)Front squat: 5x3 AHAP @ 23x1 tempo -- rest 60-90s
Work Capacity:
10 Rounds for total time of:
5 C2B Pull-ups
120 foot shuttle-run (markers at 10',20' and 30')
Rest 1 minute
EMOTM 10 minutes:
5 T2B
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Sunday, April 14, 2013
WOD - April 15, 2013 - Monday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) 15 Minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch
2) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Jerk from racks
3x3 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 105% of your 1RM Snatch
Work Capacity:
5 Rounds for total time of:
5 Muscle-ups
10 KB Swings (70#/53#)
15 OH Squats (115/75)
20 Burpees
Rest 3 minutes
2 Rounds for total time:
25 GHD sit-ups
30 Hand-release push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
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Saturday, April 13, 2013
Rest Day - April 14, 2013 - Sunday
Rest Day
The second official Reebok CrossFit Back Bay Throwdown ended up being a ton of fun. We saw some big PR's and I was particularly impressed with the weightlifting. Many guys above 215 on their 3RM power clean and many girls with lifts above 125. Solid performances and determination from all competitors made for a great show. The final results are as follows:
1. Jason Casey/Alexa Walls
2. Austin Reed/Bobby Rowley
3. Chip Russell/Jon Brown
1. Justin Maccaro/Holly Rinaldi
2. Jason Majane/Mike Sabbota
3. Chad Verry/Jade Best
Great work by all competitors! Enjoy the day off, get some rest, and get ready for next week. Full volume coming up through Regionals.
WOD - April 13, 2013 - Saturday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) EMOTM 10 minutes: 1 Snatch @ 80%
2) EMOTM 10 minutes: 1 Clean and jerk @ 80%
* Don't spend a ton of time warming up, just get loose and hit a couple of build-up reps then begin
EMOTM 10 minutes:
3 Muscle-ups
Work Capacity:
3 sets of:
ME Unbroken double-unders
20 KB Swings (70#/53#)
Rest as needed between sets
* If your max set of DU in less than 50, then keep jumping until you have accumulated 50 reps each round
Good luck to all competitors in the Internal Throwdown today at Reebok CrossFit Back Bay!
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Thursday, April 11, 2013
WOD - April 12, 2013 - Friday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:1) 5x2 Muscle clean (catch in full squat) AHAP -- rest 75s
2) 7x1 Clean and jerk @ 80-90%
* Work up to 90% over the 7 sets without missing a lift. If you miss, drop back down to last successful weight and stay there for remaining sets.
1) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Push press
Work Capacity/Skill:
For total reps of each:
1 minute ME HSPU
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes ME Ring dips
Rest 1 minute
3 minutes ME Push-ups
3x10 Weighted back extensions AHAP
3x20 GHD sit-ups
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
WOD - April 11, 2013 - Thursday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) 5x2 Clean pulls @ 80% 1RM Clean and jerk -- rest 75s
2) 5x2 Jerk off racks @ 80% 1RM Clean and jerk -- rest 75s
1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Front squat
* Plenty of rest, try to hit your heaviest lift in 5-6 attempts
Work Capacity:
For times of each:
Run 1 mile
Rest 5 minutes
Row 2k
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Rest Day - April 10, 2013 - Wednesday
Rest Day
The Open is over and de-loading has begun. Next week will commence a new squat cycle and a new strength cycle leading up to the first Regional event the weekend of May 17-19. Get a massage or take care of your body today in preparation for the loading to come.
And by the way, Reebok CrossFit Back Bay has successfully put two teams in the North East Regional this year after being open for exactly 1 year and 3 months. Spectacular work by everyone culminating in a 12th place finish for Team 1 and a 29th place finish for Team 2. Here's to a strong showing from both teams at Regionals.
Monday, April 8, 2013
WOD - April 9, 2013 - Tuesday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) 5x1 Snatch + 2 OH Squats AHAP -- rest 75s
2) 5x3 Snatch pulls @ 80% 1RM Snatch -- rest 75s
1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM High bar back squat
Work Capacity:
"Diane" 21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (225#/155#)
Extended shoulder/wrist mobility with bands
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WOD - April 8, 2013 - Monday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) 5x2 Muscle snatch AHAP -- rest 75s
2) 7x1 Snatch @ 85-95%
* Work up to 95% over the 7 sets without missing a lift. If you miss, drop back down to last successful weight and stay there for remaining sets.
1) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Strict press
Work Capacity:
Broken "Amanda" For time:
9 Muscle-ups
Rest 0:30
9 Squat snatch (135#/95#)
Rest 1:00
7 Muscle-ups
Rest 0:30
7 Squat snatch
Rest 1:00
5 Muscle-ups
Rest 0:30
5 Squat snatch
3x10 Weighted back extensions AHAP
3x20 T2B
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Saturday, April 6, 2013
Rest Day - April 7, 2013 - Sunday
Rest Day
The Open is over, congratulations. This next week will be mellow to let you guys recover; the lifting will be hard but the volume will be low and the WODs are ALL to be performed at 85% or slower. Expect to fatigue and push hard through a lot of interval work starting the next week up through the May 17-19 Regionals, but know that PR's and preparation will be coming. Get some rest and allow your body to repair itself.
WOD - April 6, 2013 - Saturday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Power snatch
2) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Power clean + push jerk
Work Capacity:
6 Rounds each for time of:
20 KB Swings (53#/35#)
15 Burpees
10 T2B
Rest 1 minute
4 Rounds of:
400m sprint
Rest 1:1
Sorry for the couple times lately that the WOD has not been up. I've always been on top of it and honestly got home and passed out last night. After 48 hours at the gym and two failed 13.5 attempts I completely spaced it. This will not happen again.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013
WOD - April 5, 2013 - Friday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Clean and jerk: 2x1 @ 65%, 2x1 @ 75%, 2x1 @ 80%, 2x1 @ 85%, 1x1 @ 90%, 1x1 @ 85% -- rest 90s
1) 5x3 Push jerk off racks, heavy but perfect -- rest 75s
Work Capacity:
4 Rounds for time of:
500m row
5 Muscle-ups
30 Double-Unders
Rest 3 minutes
NOT for time:
50 GHD sit-ups
50 GHD back extensions
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013
WOD - April 4, 2013 - Thursday
Workout of the Day
Work Capacity: Before ANYTHING else, Open WOD 13.5:
AMRAP 4 of:
15 Thrusters (100#/65#)
15 C2B Pull-ups
* If you finish 3 rounds or more, the workout becomes an 8 minute AMRAP. If you finish 6 rounds or more after 8 minutes, it becomes a 12 minute AMRAP, etc etc.
Barbell Work:
1) 5x1 3-position Clean (floor, low hang, high hang) + 1 Jerk @ 65% -- rest 75s
Every 2:00 for 14 minutes:
20 Cal row
10 Supinated ring rows, perfectly horizontal
10 Burpees
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Rest Day - April 3, 2013 - Wednesday
Rest Day
Perform some active recovery and stretch out in preparation for the Open WOD tomorrow. Based on Dave Castro's announcement it looks like we can expect something pretty good. In talking to one of our other coaches I think we can expect to see some max effort sets of multiple exercises to really test the pain threshold of CrossFit athletes. Either way, get plenty of rest and prep food for the rest of the week if you have to.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
WOD - April 2, 2013 - Tuesday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) 5x1 3-position Snatch (floor, low hang, high hang) @ 65% -- rest 75s
1a) 3x10 Good mornings, heavy
1b) 3x15 Pendlay rows, same weight as 1a
* Rest 45s between every set and every exercise, alternating between 1a and 1b until all three sets of each are complete
Work Capacity/Skill:
4 Rounds for time of:
400m sprint
Rest 1:1
* Rest as needed, then
3 Rounds for time of:
20 Pistols
100 Double-unders
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Monday, April 1, 2013
WOD - April 1, 2013 - Monday
Workout of the Day
Barbell Work:
1) Snatch: 2x1 @ 65%, 2x1 @ 75%, 2x1 @ 80%, 2x1 @ 85%, 1x1 @ 90%, 1x1 @ 85% -- rest 60s
1) 5x3 Snatch balance at same weight as last week's press-unders -- rest 60s
Work Capacity:
For total time:
Row 1,000m (85%)
Rest 2 minutes
Row 1,000m (90%)
Rest 2 minutes
Row 1,000m (95-100%)
EMOTM 10 minutes:
3-6 Muscle-ups
* If you can perform roughly 5 or less unbroken MU do 3, if you can do 15+ unbroken do 6, and use this as a guide for anything in between
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