Thursday, April 12, 2012

WOD - April 12, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 5 rounds of:
* 10x Muscle-up Transitions (for speed)
* 10x Horizontal Ring Rows (substitute horizontal bar rows)

Strength: 5x1 Push Jerk @ 90% 1RM followed by 5x5 Sotts Press AHAP
(Sotts Press Video)

Work Capacity: 21-15-9 reps for time of:
* Deadlifts (275#/185#)
* Box Jumps (30"/24")
Scale weight accordingly on this one, the deadlift may be heavy for many of you!

Extra Credit Strength: 5x10 Landmine Twists AHAP (Bring weight from hip to opposite hip explosively -- keep core tight and back straight!)

Post results to comments.


  1. Warm-up: done
    Strength: 245 x 2 sets backed off to 225 to work form. Weight wasn't bad
    Sotts press all at 45# these are tough for me
    Work capacity: @315# - 6:39
    went through slow and methodically last 15 reps or so weren't pretty
    Extra: practiced these a bit

  2. Warmed up with the muscle ups and some dynamic stuff

    Strength: Wasn't sure about my 1RM PJ but I ramped up: 225, 230, 235, 240, 240
    Sotts: this was tricky, hard to get a strong drive out of the bottom; stretched out my shoulders a lot holding than bottom position. 65, 70, 75, 80, 80

    WOD: scaled down to 225 because my back was a little sore; always have issues with lower back locking up with high rep stuff. First set of deads were straight, second set was 5, 3, 2, 3 ,2; last set was all singles as my back was completely locked up. Need to slow down a bit right out of the gate. 5:41
