Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Active Recovery - April 11, 2012 - Wednesday

Active Recovery Day

If you are sore, take a complete rest day as the end of this week will be pretty tough on a lot of you. If you are feeling spicy then do the following for active recovery:

Work Capacity: For time:
* Row 2,000 m
* Run 1,600 m (1 mile)

Skill Work: 3 Rounds of:
* 50x Hollow Rocks
* 50x GHD Hip Extensions

Post results to comments or enjoy the day off.


  1. 12' Amrap: 5 Burpees / 15 Double-Unders.
    22Rds+2Burpees. This was good for me.

    Hit Hollow rocks and GHD Sit-ups. GHDs are tough on me after not having done them in a while.

    Rowed around 2400M at an easy pace.

    This Morning:
    For time: 12-9-6: Muscle-ups / Squat Clean Thrusters 135#

    9:39, this was rough I failed about 3-4 muscle-ups and they are really hit or miss with me lately. Squat Cleans were broken into sets of 3 touch and go.

    Did EMOTM 10': 5 C2B / 8 Ring Dips.
    Dips got tough at the end I couldn't go unbroken. C2B butterfly started going at the end also.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Did the first portion last night.

    Also forgot to post the strength:
    Did only 3 sets cause of time constraints and I did 8 Strict C2B pull-ups and Good Mornings with 165#.
