Workout of the Day
Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up (Snatch -- 95#/65#)Strength: 6x3 Clean Pulls @ 1RM Clean
Work Capacity: "Heavy Grace" for time:
* 30x Clean and Jerks (185#/125#)
NOTE: Scale weight appropriately on this one, I want it to be heavy for you but not everyone can realistically use 185#
Extra Credit: EMOTM 5 minutes of:
* "Back Bay Complex" (Wall climb up wall, wall run to each pocket, HSPU, wall climb back down so chest is on ground, bottom of burpee, burpee)
Video: Back Bay Complex on YouTube
Post results to comments.
Warm-up: Done but the muscle snatches were tough and I prob did a slight re-bend
ReplyDeleteStrength: 245, 245, 265, 265, 275, 295 (2)
245 is my PR clean but I think I can do more so I kept adding weight as it felt good. Maybe could have done the third at 295. I did this as pulls to past the hip or so not high pulls so as hard as I could pull with no bending of the arms really.
Work Capacity: 5:09. About 90 seconds faster than last time. All reps singles and done as one motion without any pause at the top of the clean. First 15 took 3' last 15 took 2' so I think I could have done this faster.
Will do the back bay complex tomorrow a bit
Great first week feeling pretty good, only have some slight soreness in my forearms/biceps.
Warm-Up: Done
ReplyDeleteStrength: Found clean max, 135 155 185 195
WC: 135# 8:48
EC: Done
warm up: done
ReplyDeletestrength: found max clean @ 185lbs
work capacity: 8:39 @ 135lbs
extra credit: done
Warm Up: As Rxd
ReplyDeleteStrength: Couldn't remember my 1RM clean, so I built up to that. Ended up at 235. Got underneath 245, but my wrist gave out on the catch so I stopped there.
WC: as rx'd with a time of 10:30. Was definitely a challenging weight.
EC: fun little exercise. Will be interesting to see this incorporated into a WOD
Warm Up: done
ReplyDeleteStrength: Still having hard time getting the form down with the clean. Dana was helping me out and I worked hard on my form with 135#.
WC: 115# 10:00
EC: It's tough. Couldn't do the wall pocket. So I was trying to do the extra credit. I was able to do with my right hand, but not my left. Kept crumbling down when I tried with my left. Today I was struggling a lot a lot, still working on my form and technique.
Good job pushing through. A lot of these movements will be tough at first but you will get them down quicker than you think!