Workout of the Day
Warm-Up: 100x Double-unders for timeStrength: 6x4 Low-bar Back Squat @ 80% of your 1RM (if you do not know your 1RM, find it instead of the 6x4)
Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time of:
* 10x Burpee Wall-Balls (30#/20#, 10'/9' targets)
* 10x Burpee Box Jumps (30"/24")
Post results to comments.
Warm-Up: 1:04. Tripped at 55, 66 and 85
ReplyDeleteStrength: *High bar - 280# across, wasn't easy.
Work Capacity: *20# wall ball to 12' target and 36" Box - 12:15. Slow consistent pace, burpees good, box jumps were definatly toughest part. Interesting to do movements that you generally want to string together in big sets as singles.
Sprints: 5 x 125m Row w/ 30s rest
22.5 / 23 / 23.2 / 24 / 23.5 = 1:56 for 625M (1:32.8 split).