Saturday, March 31, 2012

WOD - March 31, 2012 - Saturday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: Burgener Warm-Up (Snatch -- 95#/65#)

Strength: 6x3 Clean Pulls @ 1RM Clean

Work Capacity: "Heavy Grace" for time:
* 30x Clean and Jerks (185#/125#)
NOTE: Scale weight appropriately on this one, I want it to be heavy for you but not everyone can realistically use 185#

Extra Credit: EMOTM 5 minutes of:
* "Back Bay Complex" (Wall climb up wall, wall run to each pocket, HSPU, wall climb back down so chest is on ground, bottom of burpee, burpee)
Video: Back Bay Complex on YouTube

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Friday, March 30, 2012

WOD - March 30, 2012 - Friday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 400 m run (jog first 100 m, sprint next 100 m, jog next 100 m, sprint last 100 m)

Strength: 5x3 Tempo Front Squats @ 75% 1RM (Tempo is 2 count lowering down, 5 count hold at bottom, 1 count explode up from bottom)
NOTE: These are extremely difficult and will require you to maintain high elbows, an upright torso, and perfect posture. If you lose stability at any point at the bottom do NOT try to fight your back into a good position, just ditch the bar. If 75% is too heavy a weight for you to do these properly at (which it very well may be) then scale down so that you can maintain good posture for 5 seconds at the bottom of your front squat.

Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time of:
* 10x Box Jumps (30"/24")
* 30x Double-unders

Extra Credit: 3 Rounds of:
* 2 minutes max burpees
* 1 minute rest
NOTE: If you participated in the CrossFit Games Open this year, try to match or beat your total burpees from Open WOD 12.1

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

WOD - March 29, 2012 - Thursday

Workout of the Day

For today I am giving you guys a choice, kind of. The Work Capacity section is broken up into two workouts, A and B. If you are an advanced CrossFitter, then workout A may be better for you. If you are newer to CrossFit or are not confident with muscle-ups, then workout B will be the best option.

Warm-Up: Muscle-up transition drills (on low rings, feet on the ground, false grip in place, practice the transition from the hang to the bottom of the dip on the muscle-up. Focus on speed through this transition -- imagine Superman ripping open his button down if you are confused about the path of the rings)

Strength: AMRAP 5 minutes of:
* 1x Strict Press
* 2x Push Press
* 3x Push Jerk
Load the bar with 85% of your 1RM Strict Press.

Work Capacity:
WOD A -- For time do:
* 10x Muscle-ups
* 10x Air Squats
* 8x Muscle-ups
* 20x Air Squats
* 6x Muscle-ups
* 30x Air Squats
* 4x Muscle-ups
* 40x Air Squats
* 2x Muscle-ups
* 50x Air Squats
NOTE: Only perform WOD A if you can do the first set of muscle-ups unbroken. Incidentally, if you don't have rings you can substitute bar muscle-ups.
WOD B -- For time do:
* 30x Ring-dips
* 10x Air Squats
* 25x Ring-dips
* 20x Air Squats
* 20x Ring-dips
* 30x Air Squats
* 15x Ring-dips
* 40x Air Squats
* 10x Ring-dips
* 50x Air Squats
If you do not have rings, substitute parallel bar dips.

Extra Credit:  5x 200m run with 30s rest between efforts.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Active Recovery - March 28, 2012 - Wednesday

Active Recovery Day

If you are sore or fatigued from the past two days, please listen to your body and take a full rest day. Perform some mobility work and be sure to get a good stretch in. The definitive source for mobility work is Kelly Starrett's Mobility WOD where you can find a myriad of exercises and stretches to assist in any muscle soreness you may have. For those of you who feel fresh and are ready to continue with the programming, I suggest the following:

Work Capacity: At an active recovery pace, perform "Light Eva" 5 Rounds for time of:
* 800m run
* 30x KB Swings (53#/35#)
* 30x Pull-ups

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WOD - March 27, 2012 - Tuesday

Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: With empty barbell, 3x complex (6 snatch high pull, 6 muscle snatch, 6 power snatch, 6 snatch balance)
Strength: 5x5 Bent-over rows as heavy as possible (same weight all sets); superset with 20# weighted kipping pull-ups 15-20 reps (NO butterfly allowed)
Work Capacity: 5 Rounds of:
* 300m row
* 20 unbroken push-press (135#/95#) -- reps start over at 0 if you drop the bar!
* Rest 2 minutes between efforts

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WOD - March 26, 2012 - Monday

 Workout of the Day

Warm-Up: 100x Double-unders for time
Strength: 6x4 Low-bar Back Squat @ 80% of your 1RM (if you do not know your 1RM, find it instead of the 6x4)
Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time of:
* 10x Burpee Wall-Balls (30#/20#, 10'/9' targets)
* 10x Burpee Box Jumps (30"/24")

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