Workout of the Day
For today I am giving you guys a choice, kind of. The Work Capacity section is broken up into two workouts, A and B. If you are an advanced CrossFitter, then workout A may be better for you. If you are newer to CrossFit or are not confident with muscle-ups, then workout B will be the best option.
Warm-Up: Muscle-up transition drills (on low rings, feet on the ground, false grip in place, practice the transition from the hang to the bottom of the dip on the muscle-up. Focus on speed through this transition -- imagine Superman ripping open his button down if you are confused about the path of the rings)
Strength: AMRAP 5 minutes of:
* 1x Strict Press
* 2x Push Press
* 3x Push Jerk
Load the bar with 85% of your 1RM Strict Press.
Work Capacity:
WOD A -- For time do:
* 10x Muscle-ups
* 10x Air Squats
* 8x Muscle-ups
* 20x Air Squats
* 6x Muscle-ups
* 30x Air Squats
* 4x Muscle-ups
* 40x Air Squats
* 2x Muscle-ups
* 50x Air Squats
NOTE: Only perform WOD A if you can do the first set of muscle-ups unbroken. Incidentally, if you don't have rings you can substitute bar muscle-ups.
WOD B -- For time do:
* 30x Ring-dips
* 10x Air Squats
* 25x Ring-dips
* 20x Air Squats
* 20x Ring-dips
* 30x Air Squats
* 15x Ring-dips
* 40x Air Squats
* 10x Ring-dips
* 50x Air Squats
If you do not have rings, substitute parallel bar dips.
Extra Credit: 5x 200m run with 30s rest between efforts.
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